Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) is the most common voice disorder. It occurs when a person habitually uses a dysfunctional muscular pattern to produce voice in the absence of structural or neurological pathology. Overtime, the excessive muscular force and physical effort that is used can lead to the development of benign vocal fold lesions such as nodules and polyps.
The development of MTD is thought to begin as a compensatory muscular response to protect the larynx from further damage or to maintain a certain level of vocal performance in the presence of laryngeal irritation or injury. While this is a healthy and helpful body reaction in the short term, it is not efficient for long term use and once the initial trigger for compensation resolves the body usually returns the larynx to its former functioning. In people who develop MTD, the compensatory muscular pattern remains long after resolution of its cause leading to inefficient muscle use, muscle tension and fatigue.
Voice therapy is the recommended treatment for MTD. For more information on voice therapy please visit our voice therapy page. If you are looking for voice therapy treatment of MTD please contact us to book an appointment with our Speech Pathologist.